Sunday, March 28, 2010


Attention ladies and gents, this blog has been taken over by a hacker. I've decided that since Gary hasn't updated lately, I'd take it upon myself to help him out a bit. ;-) After you've viewed the contents of this post, I'll let you decide if you can figure out who this skilled hacker is.



Nicole said...

Woohoo! Way to go, Sus! ... I mean, Gary. :-P

Nicole said...

I hope this doesn't mean that we won't get to see some more pictures of this weekend on Susanna's site? I mean, that is the only way this poor big sister gets to stay aware of what is going on in her little sister's life! So, ummm...Gary, could you please tell her to get off your blog and go do her own?! :-D Thank you! :-P

Anonymous said...

*chuckle* Well, if you really want to see more pictures, I suppose I can post some from this past weekend... my blog has become more of a picture blog than anything these last few months... dunno why. Maybe because a picture says a thousand words. ;-P

Gary said...

!! AHEM !!
